Tuesday, November 29, 2011

A Day In the Life of a 2 Year Old

I had the idea to do an hour by hour shoot with my sweet little gal.  Spending time with her inspires me and this is the most fun I have had in a long time with my camera.  I'm sorry there are so many pictures, but hey, she was awake for 13 hours!  :)  

7:00am - Waking up
8:00am - Bath time
9:00am - Playing in her room while I get ready.
10:00am - Buying her Christmas presents for her brothers (and imitating Jessie's yo-del-le-he-ho!).
11:00am - Munching on a cracker while we wait to pick up her brothers from preschool.
12:00pm - Crying because I gave her the Winnie the Pooh plate instead of the Star Wars one.
1:00pm - Nap time
 2:00pm - Sweet girl still napping.
3:00pm - A diaper change after waking up.
4:00pm - Playing in the basement by the Christmas tree.
5:00pm - Getting advice on which was the best dump truck.
6:00pm - Best part of the day...Daddy is home!  Washing hands after dinner.
7:00 - Getting ready for bed by pretending she's wearing a funny hat. (I remember doing the same thing, but pretending my shirt was my long hair...wish I had a picture of that!)
8:00pm - Pretending to be asleep, but who can sleep soundly with a flash?
After I took this last picture, she hugged me and then asked to hug the camera :)  She loved being the center of attention today!
This project made me so happy, and helped me to see the little things that I love about our everyday life.  It was such a good way to documenting this little miss at 2, and I am thinking I may do it near each of my children's birthdays!


Anney said...

This is adorable. You caught some great shots! I love this.

The Hoths said...

love love love this! I am so going to copy you! Loved all the shots. you are so talented!

Hans said...

What a lovely idea Trisha!
13 hours though! Arrrgh!
Mine never slept either :)
Beautiful and creative shots

Kim Ebert said...

I love your idea, Trisha! You've inspired me to try this out. The hours in a day seem to run together with all the chaos of daily life. What a great way to make time stand still, if only for a day. Your daughter is darling and I enjoyed every single picture!

Jennifer said...

What a fun idea I might steal the idea for birthdays, but my pictures won't come out as good as yours.

Haven is such a cutie her and Avalon seem like they would be best friends they are so much a like.

Heather Aleece said...

This was such a cool idea!! How did you get that one of her in the Christmas Tree?? It was awesome!

Trisha said...

Heather, I was just on one side of the tree and she was on the other. I just moved the branches around her face :)