Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Advanced Pro - Homework #2

 I found this homework assignment challenging.  I scheduled a shoot with a family of 6 and spent a lot of time picking specific things that I was going to try, making lots of notes.  My first mistake was the time I scheduled...with the time change, I hadn't accounted for the sunset being so early.  I had basically 15 minutes of good light.  And it was getting COLD as the sun was setting...and the kids were hungry.  I left feeling really discouraged.  

So, without looking at the pictures on the computer, I scheduled another shoot.  Again, I spent a lot of time organizing the kinds of poses that I wanted to do (remembering to not be so literal...hoping to get less frustrated) and got more and more excited to have a more relaxed take on the posing guide.  Then, to my dismay, the father of this second family was on call the day of the shoot....and of course, he got called in.  I was a little more ready this time to accept the limitations and did a mother daughter shoot, throwing out most of the ideas I had planned for the family.

Still a little discouraged, I uploaded ALL the photos onto the computer.  As I started looking at them, I kicked myself, realizing that I didn't need to be so hard on myself.  Much of what I captured the families are going to love, and while it wasn't the original plan, it worked out great!  (And I have tons of photos to share!)  I heard recently the phrase that "all frustration comes from unmet expectations."  Therefore, I not only take on Brooke's motto of "embracing limitations" but add that we can also "change our expectations" so we can be happy and proud of any creative work!


I would love to hear some comments from class members!  It is fun for me to see from other photographers how they deal with difficulty during a shoot and what they come up with at the end.  Hope this is helpful for you!

 I think the little guy is biting his dad's ear here :)

 Does this say "I'm done" or what?!
 Dad made it home right as we got back to the house, so we did a few on the porch.


Heather Aleece said...

Trisha Lee Haws!
I am one proud little sister right now! I can't find the words to describe how excited I am for you embracing this growing journey with your photography. This is yours and you are owning it!!!

Debbie said...

These look great...good insight, look how much you are learning and you are learning about photography too.

Kellie said...

I hear you on embracing limitations. Thank you for sharing the whole story of these shoots. I think you got some shots that capture the culture and relationships in this family, so nice job for perservering!

janice smith said...

I love them trish! I think you are ENTIRELY too hard on youself!!!!!

Emma Brown said...

great work =)