Wednesday, August 31, 2011


I am sad to see this project end. Looking back on what I've learned and how far I've come makes me so happy that I've done it. I wanted to end with a self portrait and the sunset to say goodbye.

Thanks to everyone (anyone?) that has followed this blog.  Look forward to a new project soon.

Photography:  f/9, 1/60sec, ISO400 edited


Anonymous said...

i CAN NOT believe it's been an entire year. congratulations on the completion of an a-mazing project!
and this is indeed the perfect picture to end it on, it's beautiful.

Hayley said...

I'll miss your pretty picture posts! You are beautiful friend.

Les said...

you are incredible and you HAVE learned so much!! I've loved living your life vicariously through the year.

Jennifer said...

Has it already been that long. You really have come a long way. Who knew you had such a hidden talent??

You amaze me with all the things that you manage to juggle with such ease & grace. You are my role model.

Tania said...

I'm so sad it's over!! I've loved seeing your pictures and all that you've learned this past year. I look forward to whatever comes next.

You're awesome!!

ann white said...

Thanks for telling me about such a great thing you did!!! I have really enjoyed following what you are doing, both personally and with the camera! Great Job! I will miss looking at your pics, but look forward to what is next! :)

Haylee Munk Brown said...

I loved following this blog!!!! You have taken a lot of great pictures! I will miss this blog!

Charie and Jonathan Francom said...

Beautiful pictures, beautiful girl. I love ya! You are an inspiration for sticking with so many worthy goals and accomplishing so much. MMMMMUUUUUUAAAHHHHHH (that was a kiss)

Heather Aleece said...

I love seeing pictures of you. What do you mean (anyone?)

Joni said...

I have really enjoyed watching your photo journey this year. Photography is a talent that seems beyond me. There is so much to know. You are blossoming in your art. I love you!

Debbie said...

I too will miss this...are you sure you don't want to do it again?
As you can see there are alot of us who follow it even if we don't comment on here.